Sunday, October 19, 2014

Adam the dog is allergic to people

Some people are allergic to dogs, but one special dog is allergic to people. Robin Herman said she and her small staff at the Lucky Dog Retreat Rescue in Indianapolis had never heard of a dog with such a unique condition before. When a black lab named Adam came across her desk, she was ready to help. "I saw his picture on the rescue list and it was heartbreaking, so I said, 'Sure, we will take him,'" she said.
"We feed him the best food possible, got him flea free, gave him baths twice a week, special baths from the vet," she said. Little by little, Adam started looking better but not progressing as well as Herman had hoped. "We still couldn't figure out what was wrong, so we took him in for a blood test," she said. The test revealed he had allergies but the source was something Herman couldn't believe.
"Humans? I thought (the veterinarian) was kidding", she said. "Just like we can be allergic to dogs, he's allergic to human dander," Herman said. While many people may have written Adam off, Herman said she still just sees a puppy in need of help. "He's smart, he learns, knows a bunch of commands, he's a great dog.

"It's not his fault. We raised as much money as we can and we're not going to stop until he's better," she said. Thanks to the diagnosis, that day may be coming soon. Herman has high hopes for the next treatment. "The vet seems to think we can fix him. They put a serum together just like with kids allergies, and he starts on allergy shots this week," Herman said.
There's more information about Adam here.

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