Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Ancient petroglyph of human found on rock by Curiosity rover

Mars is one of our closest neighbors in the solar system, yet it remains a mystery. Watch this video to feed your curiosity about the red planet!
And still the strange and intriguing sightings in photos taken by the Mars Curiosity rover keep coming: This time with the image of what looks like a humanoid figure bracketed by three bold, indented parallel lines. UFO Sightings Hotspot reported Oct. 17 that the NASA's Curiosity rover had inadvertently spied a petroglyph -- or rock engraving -- among the rust-colored stones on the Red Planet.
The website noted that what looks like an etching in stone, little more than a stylized stick figure, is nearly identical to hundreds of petroglyphs engraved in columns, slabs, and rocks all over planet Earth. And of the Mars photo: "The petroglyphs engraved in the rock on Mars looks like [a] human figure and it is interesting that the same symbols are found in different parts of the planet Earth created in timelines where the people could not have possibly interacted with each other."
A video posted to YouTube (as seen above) by UFOvni2012 shows the petroglyph and compares it to several of the Earth engravings and paintings, noting its stunning similarity to terrestrial carvings from ancient Egypt and other millennia-old civilizations. Highlighting the humanoid image and its bracketing lines (one below the stick-man, two above, and all parallel), the video suggests that the petroglyph may well be part of a stone column of some sort.
So what is to be made of this latest strange Mars image? Did NASA's Mars Curiosity rover photograph a depiction of some ancient artifact, one that offers evidence that there just might be -- or might have been, since Mars seems to be rather bereft of life at present -- other beings that have -- or once had -- a bipedal, human-like form? Or is this simply just one more example of pareidolia, where time and the elements of Mars have scoured the stone to give it its current configuration -- one that looks very much like an archetypal human stick figure caught between three parallel lines. (Even the most skeptical must admit that the parallel striations on the rock are intriguing, lending a puzzling aspect to the Curiosity photo in that nature rarely exhibits parallel lines.)
The Mars petroglyph is just the latest photo image found in the Martian rock fields and mounds by Curiosity's cameras. Among others, UFO enthusiasts and keen-eyed observers have found what appears to be an ancient statue carved into the Martian hillside and a rock formation shaped like a cannon or piece of heavy artillery.
But Curiosity isn't alone in producing photos that capture remarkable images. Last week, NASA's Opportunity rover, an exploratory vehicle that has been on Mars now for a decade, photographed an image that looked every bit like an encircled Celtic or Irish cross.

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