Thursday, October 9, 2014

Bill Clinton Terrifies repugicans by Busting and Exposing Their Obama Scam

Former President Bill Clinton told voters what repugicans don’t want them to know while campaigning with Sen. Mark Pryor in Arkansas. Clinton explained that repugicans are trying use Obama to scam voters into supporting them.
Former President Clinton said, “You can not afford to do what their opponents want. They want you to make this a protest vote. All three of these races they’re saying hey, you may like these guys, but you know what you gotta do. You gotta vote against the president. After all, it’s your last shot. It’s a pretty good scam, isn’t it? Give me a six year job for a two year protest. That’s Mark Pryor’s opponent’s message.
Yeah, I voted to cut student loans. Yeah, I voted to raise the interest rate. Yeah, I voted against the Violence Against Women Act. No, I’ll never vote for equal pay for equal work. Are you kidding? Would I vote for raising the minimum wage? No way, but I’ll give you one more protest vote. To do it, you gotta give me six years for a protest that will be irrelevant in two….Does that make any sense to you?
Former President Clinton hit the nail on the head. The repugican message is a giant scam. It is a trick that is designed to get voters who are angry at the president now to throw away their future. This election is not about Barack Obama. With each passing day, President Obama inches closer to the end of his presidency. There will likely be no more major legislation passed during the Obama presidency.
The repugicans are trying to make this election about President Obama, because they can’t win an election that is contested on the basis of ideas, or vision for the future. The repugicans have nothing productive to offer, so they are relying on what they have used all through the Obama presidency, empty rage.
Bill Clinton is a powerful force on the campaign trail, and his words of truth have an ability to cut to the heart of matters in a very common sense way. The Clinton wrecking ball is moving through the South, and he is telling voters the very last thing that repugicans want them to hear. The repugican platform is a con, and their message is a scam.
Democrats are gaining momentum in Senate races all over the country because they are motivating their voters and party leaders like former President Clinton are spreading the truth.
There is a wave of blue energy growing that will very easy drown the repugican cabal’s fantasies of a Senate takeover.

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