Monday, October 20, 2014

Congratulations shrub, Your Incompetence Finally Managed to Turn Iraq into an Actual Threat

by Allen Clifton
It took over a decade, but the shrub finally managed to turn Iraq into a threat.  Don’t get me wrong, Saddam Hussein was a bad guy, but he was really nothing more than a local thug.  He was never any kind of “global threat” like the shrub junta falsely led the world to believe.  Iraq was a nuisance under his control, but the country was never really any kind of actual threat to anyone outside of the crimes he committed against his own people.
But with Saddam long gone, and a weak Iraqi government allowing ISIL to easily take control of key parts of the nation, Iraq has finally become a real threat.
Because whether people want to hear it or not, ISIL is not something we can just ignore.  I’ve seen far too many people try to label them as just an ordinary terror group.  They’re much more than that.
Just to give you a little perspective of just how radical and dangerous these people are, Al-Qaeda has publicly disavowed all ties with the group for being too radical.  
If you know nothing else about ISIL, that should tell you enough.
But beyond that they’re also kidnapping women, slaughtering civilians, live tweeting beheadings and publicly crucifying people.
The primary goal of this group is to create a radical islamic state consisting of Syria and Iraq.  Though I promise you, once established, they wouldn’t stop there.  Judging by various things I’ve read about this group, especially its leadership, their “ultimate” goal so to speak is to create some kind of giant islamic state, uniting several muslim countries together.
Oh, and by the way, they have an intense hatred of the United States and Western culture in general.
The leader of this group, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, who was released in 2004 when shrub was pretending, supposedly said to American military personnel upon his release from imprisonment, “I’ll see you in New York.”
And why is it our troops weren’t in Iraq beyond 2011 even as the nation continued to struggle with insurgent violence?
That’s simple. Because the shrub  signed an agreement with the Iraqi government that set certain stipulations, and deadlines, for our involvement in Iraq.  Specifically the agreement called for the end of U.S. combat operations as of June 30, 2009 and for all U.S. forces to be pulled out of Iraq by December 30, 2011.
So, let’s add all of this up:
  • The shrub destabilized a country that posed absolutely no real threat to the United States, or really any other nation.
  • His junta completely botched essentially everything about the war, allowing insurgents to claim many parts of Iraq.
  • He installed a weak government that just about everyone with even a shred of common sense knew stood absolutely no chance at maintaining power without backing from the United States military.
  • Policies reached with that Iraqi government result in the release of the now leader of ISIL, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi.
  • Then he signs a SOFA agreement toward the end of his second term which dictates when the United States must pull all military forces out of Iraq.
  • A weak Iraqi government, without backing from the United States military due to the shrub’s SOFA agreement, leads to radical islamic militants (ISIL) taking over many parts of Iraq.
  • Currently Iraq is in serious danger of falling under the control of one of – if not the – most dangerous radical islamic cabal on the planet.
So, with all of that said, I would like to formally congratulate the shrub.  Because due to his policies, Iraq has finally turned into a legitimate threat.
And just like with our economy, it seems President Obama will once again have to clean up a mess caused by the shrub's incompetence.

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