Saturday, October 25, 2014

Costco To Start Carrying 93 Inch Bear Next Month

As if walking out of Costco with your giant tub of mayo wasn't weird (yet practical) enough, now you might find yourself walking out of Costco with a bear that almost 100 inches tall. I know this is weird, but like, how can you even be mad? Those bears are going to make whoever gets them very happy (as long as they don't live in a studio apartment) and they are only $179.99.
I do realize one hundred eighty dollars may sound steep for a stuffed bear, but would you think that if said bear was being given to a sick child, or being used to re-conciliate a marriage?
If you look at it that way, that is quite reasonable, actually. And don't even act like your face wouldn't light up if someone got you one of those, because we all know it would. All of ours would.
That is what makes it so awesome.

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