Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Democrats Listen to Liberals, Hitting repugicans for Their Dangerous CDC Cuts

Democrats listened to liberals. The DCCC blamed House repugicans for cutting funds to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in online ads starting Monday. …
If you liked the ad liberals cut blaming repugican budget cuts for Ebola deaths, you’re going to love this. Because, you see, Democrats are listening to liberals and beginning to fight fire with fire.
The DCCC blamed House repugicans for cutting funds to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in online ads starting Monday (see above). The CDC fights things like the Ebola virus repugicans keep desperately trying to blame on either President Obama or the Mexican border or ISIL (in other words, anyone they hate).
Jason Easley highlighted the hidden danger posed by the cuts in his article about the liberal ad coming after repugicans for their cuts:
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins admitted that there would already be an Ebola vaccine ready if Congress would not have slashed the NIH budget, “NIH has been working on Ebola vaccines since 2001. It’s not like we suddenly woke up and thought, ‘Oh my gosh, we should have something ready here…Frankly, if we had not gone through our 10-year slide in research support, we probably would have had a vaccine in time for this that would’ve gone through clinical trials and would have been ready.”
Democrats are also pointing out that repugicans made these cuts while they protected tax cuts for their buddies like big oil. So, your health, 0 : rich guys getting richer, 10.
DCCC Chairman Steve Israel called out repugians in a statement, “Few issues better illustrate House repugicans’ out-of-whack priorities than their determination to protect special interest tax breaks, even when they come at the expense of our ability to fight the spread of diseases like Ebola – that’s why the DCCC is launching a national paid online effort to hold repugicans accountable for their dangerously misguided priorities.”
No more simpering Mr Nice Guy while repugicans destroy America and place us at risk abroad and at home, and then deny that cutting funding had anything to do with (insert disaster they are blaming on Obama). This is a Democratic Party with some fire, but remaining deeply rooted in their comfort zone of policy and fact.
This is not he said/she said. This is about policy and facts. There are records of votes and the records show that repugicans did this. It’s therefor not a distraction or a blame game, but a very real policy issue that voters should consider at the polls. The repubgicans should be able to defend their choice to endanger the entire country simply because they don’t believe in science and government.
Do you want to have a country that funds disease prevention in advance or would you rather play catch up after Ebola gets here? To be a person of common sense or to be an idiot, is basically the choice.
After years of liberals getting beaten up by repugicans regardless of facts while Democrats apologized from the corner, this is a welcome change. Oh, new Democratic Party, how long the liberals have waited (and by liberals, I mean reality based people of some humanity and common sense). Welcome.

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