Sunday, October 12, 2014

Did you know ...

That repugicans still have a hard time believing in racism
Hey, isn't snow supposed to be white?
About the repugican cabal's scorched earth policies
Just how long do CD's last? not forever
About how Wall Street is hitting the jackpot by fleecing workers' pensions
This man gets 4 1/2 months for tweeting rape threats
That George Zimmerman's family wanted their own reality show
The U.S. death scorecard:  Ebola -1; Flu - 50,000
That 9 out of 10 climate science deniers have ties to Exxon Mobile money
That old energy is doing everything it can to stop solar power
Can farmers outsmart climate change?
And, if not, is martian soil good for farming?
And you won't believe how bad air pollution is in China
That U.S. hospitals unprepared to handle infectious hospital waste
That it's a great time to be rich
And get ready for some damn fine coffee...twin peaks is coming back!
That sustainable businesses applaud corporations for leaving ALEC
That Iceland bankers convicted and unemployment is down
Here's 6 billionaires who have moved somewhere and ruined it
Here's the human body, according to venture capitalists
About global of warming and global warring
About the irrational strain of sexism in the rational thought movement
The Dallas hospital alters account of Ebola patient admittance
That the world's first affordable robot butler coming in 2015
About placing gun violence in a human rights issue
That the FBI can't find files after spending $55 million to digitize them
That multi-tasking makes your brain smaller
Here's the worst colleges in America
That tyranny is when you regularly fear being summarily executed
That repugican budget cuts severely limited our ability to respond to Ebola
Here's inside the Koch brothers toxic empire
Naomi Klein says capitalism is stupid
That voter registration surges after Michael Brown shooting
Marriott fires Florida Democrat after learning she's running against company-backed repugican cabal candidate
About the 5 biggest mistakes in the Ebola outbreak
That this garden can kill
About the christian wingnuts' love of corporal punishment
That the Rockefeller heirs move to divest oil stocks
That it's open carry for whites and open season on blacks
About why you bear economic risk and Donald Trump doesn't
That facebook, twitter & youtube get an 'f' for handling harassment
That domestic violence is 2 to 4 times more prevalent in police families than in regular American families
That abortion hurts the dudebros
Just who's paying the pro-war chickenhawks?
That the cops seize couple's home following son's first drug arrest
That this "officer of the year" arrested for stalking a woman using police resources
That cops have a much bigger domestic abuse problem than the NFL
This idiot judge rules police can use swat team to shut down twitter parody
And is Obama going easy on banks that break the law?
About the militia next door
These veterans send a letter to faux news after the "boobs on the ground" remark
Can Ebola become airborne??!!??!?!!  yeah, probably not

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