Monday, October 20, 2014

Did you know ...

That the oceans are getting hotter than we thought
That 59% of millennials would consider moving overseas for a job
That most people with addiction simply out grow it
That a state auditor will examine the court books for Ferguson
That more jobs have been created under Obama than under both shrubs combined
The lower unemployment rate = recovery - for the top 10%
About the secret to uber's success:  struggling workers
About the anti-vaccination epidemic
That nearly 4 times as many people signed up for Obama care as watch faux news
That the deficit is down, and the deficit hawks are furious
And what's wrong with ignoring inequality
That justice Ginsburg says the supreme court sees women as "not really an adult individual"
That NASA's going to an earth-threatening asteroid to collect samples and bring them back
That the repugicans use stock photos in their "repugicans are people too" ad
About how rich old white men are taking away the lunch money from inner city blacks
That police departments retaliate against watchdog groups across the U.S.
That playing violent video games might make you less violent
That half the world's animal population has disappeared since 1970
How secret money floods political ads
That facebook's experiments on its users were illegal

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