Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Elizabeth Warren: 'The game is rigged, and the repugicans rigged it'

Alex Wong / Getty Images Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) pulled no punches Saturday at a campaign event for fellow Democratic Sen. Al Franken (Minn.), accusing Republicans of having "rigged" the system against average Americans.
"The game is rigged, and the Republicans rigged it," she said.
Warren, one of the most progressive members of the Senate, has been stumping for several candidates ahead of next month's elections. Over the weekend, she also lent her support in two crucial states, promoting Sen. Mark Udall (Colo.) and Iowa Rep. Bruce Braley, who is running to fill a vacant Senate seat.
Warren's "rigged" remark is not a change of tone for the freshman lawmaker. She has on several occasions said the economy is "rigged" against the middle class in favor of the rich and powerful, and that message was the crux of her 2012 campaign.

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