Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Faux News Left In Tatters After President Obama Levels Them With An Epic Truth Bomb

All it took was one sentence from President Obama to send Faux News into a total panic. The president took down Faux with a short and sweet dose of reality that showed just how small the wingnut network really is.
At Northwestern, the president said, “But I have laid out my ideas to create more jobs and grow more wages. A true opposition party should have the courage to lay out theirs. There’s a reason fewer repugicans are preaching doom on deficits – because they’re now manageable. There’s a reason fewer are running against Obamacare – because while good, affordable health care might still be a fanged threat to freedom on Faux News, it’s working pretty well in the real world. ”
It began with Gretchen Carlson expressing “surprise” that Obama would call them out.
Carlson asked Ed Henry, “Why? My question to you, Mr. Henry, is why would he do this?”
Greta Van Sustern threw a fit, and claimed that Obama should lead instead of blaming Faux News:
Van Sustern whined that Obama needs to be presidential, and stop acting cool by blaming Faux News in front of a bunch of students. She pointed to Faux’s viewer numbers and claimed that Faux is “hot.” The Five’s Greg Gutfeld complained, “He bashes FNC more than ISIS, and we don’t behead anybody.” Gutfeld played that tired moldy oldie from the wingnuts that Obama goes after Faux News because Faux is the only network that will challenge the president.
The real reason Faux News is playing defense is the underlying point of Obama’s remark. President Obama told the nation that Faux News doesn’t represent the real world. Obama popped the Faux News bubble. Faux is a tiny fish in a very small pond. The total number of daily cable news viewers is somewhere in the neighborhood of four to five million people. Faux News dominates the cable news audience, but in a country of more than three hundred million people, Faux News and their audience are nothing.
Faux News celebrated because they averaged 1.79 million primetime viewers in the last quarter. Nearly four times more people signed up for Obamacare than watch Faux News. Obama’s portrayal of Faux News as a wingnut fringe cult that is out of touch with the real world was an accurate statement. Faux News has an out sized influence on the country because the mainstream press tends to follow their lead.
Faux is outraged because Obama spoke the truth, and the truth hurts. Faux News and their viewers aren’t living in the real world, and that is reality that the wingnut network will never face.
To really put it into perspective: More people read Carolina Naturally than watch Faux News. Sorry, wingnuts but the truth is the truth.

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