Saturday, October 25, 2014

Kay Hagan goes on NC First Tour While Desperate Thom Tillis Talks to An Empty Chair

Tillis and empty chair
While Kay Hagan spent Tuesday on a NC First tour meeting with diverse groups of voters across the state, a desperate Thom Tillis talked to a chair.
Senator Hagan spent her day meeting with voters.  She met with farmers at Sharp Farms to discuss job creation through the Farm Bill.  The Senator also spent some time listening to Military spouses in Spring Lake.  Hagan spent some time with Seniors.
According to the Times Union Tillis shared his views on issues that were discussed during the 3 debates that Hagan and Tillis agreed to back in July.  During his closing statement, Tillis said expressed his “disappointment” that Senator Hagan wasn’t there.
According to reports, Tillis complained to the chair about the fact that Senator Hagan was not at the “debate” several times even though he knew of Hagan’s decision back in July.
The “debate” was originally promoted as a debate between Tillis “and other candidates.”  However, Hagan was never going to be part of it and the Libertarian candidate, Sean Haugh, didn’t meet the 15% polling threshold that was required to participate in this “debate.”  So it was Tillis, a couple of reporters asking questions and an empty chair.
This is reminiscent of Clint Eastwood’s discussion with an empty chair at the repugican coven in 2012, and we all know how well that worked out.
Since Senator Hagan out performed Tillis in the three debates that were agreed upon, this was obviously a stunt by a man desperate to close the gender and youth gaps.
While Kay Hagan’s lead is steady but slim, Tillis has the largest gender deficit in the country.  According to the Public Policy Polling Senator Hagan has a 12% advantage over Tillis with women.  Hagan enjoys support from 61% of young voters, while Tillis has a paltry 27%.  Hagan’s support among African-Americans is 85%, while their support for Tillis is virtually non-existent at 4%.
Of course, Tillis’ war on women’s rights and his instrumental role in disenfranchising African Americans along with young voters with North Carolina’s vote suppression law probably had a lot to do with these numbers.  In the case of young voters, Tillis didn’t show any interest in wanting their votes until recently.
The fact is, Tillis’ lacks support from significant parts of North Carolina’s electorate because of policies that wage war on their rights, their interests and their concerns. Resorting to stunts like talking to an empty chair isn’t going to change that.

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