Thursday, October 9, 2014

Longsword Fighting Is Coming Back In Style

The increased integration of technology in our daily lives hasn’t diminished our interest in ye olde ways, in fact it’s safe to say our interest in these traditional ways is increasing by the hour.
Many people thought we’d be playing some deadly form of laser tag by now, but there’s a different kind of combat sport rising in popularity that dates back to the Dark Ages- Longsword fighting.

The only thing high tech about longsword fighting is the armor worn by the contestants, and as combat sports go it's quick and punchy, and definitely leaves a mark.
These historical European martial arts enthusiasts are trying to retain the purity of sword fighting while keeping heads from flying by using "steel swords with unsharpened blades and blunt tips to prevent bouts from turning into death matches."
They're hoping longsword fighting catches on as a sport, and by the look of these fast and furious duels it seems like one combat sport that might have an edge on the competition.
On a proper note: Long Swords have always been 'unsharpened' along the length of the blade - only the last few inches and the tip with sharpened. The idea of a Long Sword was to beat down your opponent until they could not rise and then kill them with a thrust of a dagger (which was sharpened the entire length of it's blade) into the neck between the body armor and the helmet severing the artery ... the Coup d'Grace.

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