Friday, October 24, 2014

Man who contacted local newspaper about sign he'd found surprised it became headline news

A New Zealand man is looking for the owner of a sign he believes has gone walk-about from a city business. The large black framed sign appeared at the end of Bevan Billing's driveway in Massey St, Palmerston North on Saturday night. Mr Billing said he had walked outside about 11.15pm to have a cigarette when he noticed the new arrival.
Not wanting it to be taken again, damaged or used to cause damage, he carried into his home, where it remains waiting to be claimed by its rightful owner. Massey St was commonly used as a thoroughfare for people walking home from town, and he believed it had been picked up and later ditched outside his house. The sign is similar to those often seen outside cafes, measures 850cm tall and 950cm wide, is covered with canvas and screen printed with a brand.
Mr Billing has contacted both the police and the Palmerston North District Council about the sign, and said he had been told by the council to put it back on the street to be picked up by a council truck. He was concerned however, it would be taken again before it could get that far. The sign is undamaged and the rightful owner should know what brand it displays and have proof of purchase.
The Manawatu Standard also published Mr Billing's home phone number so that the sign's owner could contact him. In the comment's of the online article, Mr Billing said: "Well I was not expecting this!! I only contacted the Manawatu Standard today to see if they might know who it might belong to. Thought at best they would maybe place a little ad in the lost and found section of the paper. Did not think it would be a headliner."

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