Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Police hunt polka dot onesie-wearing man and his spade-carrying partner over missing monitors

A man in a red polka dot onesie is being linked to the theft of three monitor screens from Dewsbury train station in west Yorkshire. The distinctive suspect was captured on CCTV on Monday October 6 just after 10.50pm when one of the monitors was stolen. He was accompanied by another man wearing purple leggings and carrying a spade.
Two other monitors were stolen on Sunday October 5 and Friday October 3, both in the evening. PC Marcus Robinson said: “Three monitors were stolen over a three day period from the station. On each occasion the security surround on the monitors was forced off and the screens stolen.
“The screens, which are expensive and will now have to be replaced, are used to provide up to date travel information to passengers at the station and usually only operate in a commercial environment. They cannot be used as televisions but they may be able to be hooked up to a computer or a gaming station which is one possible line of enquiry we are looking into.

“First TransPennine Express, who manage the station, have now increased security measures on other screens at their stations to make them more difficult to steal. We are releasing their images in that hope that, despite their faces being covered, someone may recognize their distinctive dress. We believe they may be able to assist our inquiries into this incident and are investigating whether they are linked to the other two thefts.”

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