Monday, October 20, 2014

Teabagger 'militia' cabal Threatens to Arrest Democrats at Polling Places!

If you want more evidence that the difference between Mussolini’s Blackshirts and the current state of the Tea Party is only about 70 years, here’s a story out of Wisconsin where a self-proclaimed “Poll Watcher” militia group announced they will confront Democratic voters at the polls on November 4 over outstanding warrants or tax defaults.The group, named the Wisconsin Poll Watcher Militia, claims that it’s going to check names on the 2012 recall petition for repugican Gov. Scott Walker and confront those voters that they believe are wanted on warrants. They said on Twitter that they would be “targeting heavily democrat districts, so it is doubtful” that any repugicans would be reported.
So yes, this is just a thinly veiled excuse to bully people away from the polls. This is the same stunt pulled by Mussolini’s Blackshirts; the only difference is that they’ve gotten better at lying about their intentions. Not much better, mind you.
And if the presence of a group with “militia” in their name wasn’t enough, the group posted on Facebook that they “prefer our people be armed.” They continued:
“We prefer our people be armed. Some will be heading to some of Milwaukee, Racine, and Beloit’s worst areas. We will be armed with a list of people to look for at each location.”
The group has asked its Facebook users to privately send names of active voters who were wanted on warrants, so that they could be arrested:
We can get our agents to watch their polling location, identify the individual, and then follow them to their residence.
They promised to call the police and have would-be voters “picked up for processing.”
Politicus USA grabbed some screen captures of the Facebook posts, although those posts have since been made private by the group. Politicus noted that all of the photos posted by the group on Facebook showed black voters. The group, however, disputes Politcus’ accusation that they’re just targeting black voters. Oh no, they’re targeting all Democrats:
“We can assure you that we will be targeting all democrats, not just black ones. If you think we meant blacks only it is because you are a racist who thinks the only people with warrants are black. We know better because we have a nice list of people who are wanted democrat activist types. Most are actually white. We will target everyone.”
Except repugicans. And the super-wealthy who dodge their taxes by cramming their money into an Antiguan bank account. Or corporations. Or everyone who isn’t poor and destitute.
The militia is getting most of their information from the website Put Wisconsin First, which has been celebrated by Hot-Air Specialist, Lush Dimbulb:
Thanks to his hard work, we finally know who is not paying their fair share of taxes in Wisconsin.
Since the Facebook page has been taken down more than once since it was first reported, some people have speculated it’s a parody account. Shortly after they went private, the group made a decision to publicly post a video from the song, “Somebody’s Watching Me,” by Rockwell, and that may also suggest a parody account. Even if it’s not a parody account, however, it’s still a sad joke about the state of our society.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Since the time we posted this, the Wisconsin Daily Independent has revealed that the Wisconsin Poll Watcher’s Militia page is a fake: There is no actual militia, and — despite widespread alarm — the page was not targeting black voters.  Yet, the fact that such a small Facebook page could generate such hysteria says something about Wisconsin’s toxic politics.
The fact that a small, and many say fake, Facebook page can derive so much attention speaks to the current state of affairs in Wisconsin politics and to the power that race plays within it.
And now another Facebook page is whining about how liberal blogs are unfairly trolling the Wisconsin Poll Watchers Militia page… But we say, if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. They should have known how people would react.

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