Friday, October 10, 2014

The repugicans Get Busted for Using ISIL to Cover Up Their Record of Failure

Desperate repugicans have turned to their old standby, the shrub safety net -- terror. But they keep getting busted because they are resorting to lies …
GOP beheading
House repugicans can’t very well run on their record or discuss policy, and they finally realized that they can’t run against Obamacare either. It turns out that people don’t want to die just because they can’t afford medical care. Insert repugican cabal shocked face here and never mind that you pay for their very good healthcare insurance.
So repugicans have turned to their old standby, the shrub safety net — TERROR.
But they keep getting busted because they are resorting to lies in order to scare you into voting for them. It’s odd that they run on terror when the biggest terrorist strike in our history happened under their pretender, but then they figure they can use the mere idea that it might happen again to convince you to vote repugican. In truth, if preventing terrorism were your thing, you’d be voting for Democrats, who have done plenty more to prevent actual terrorism and whose president actually got Osama, and who never sold you a pack of lies about WMD.
Perhaps the most offensive move to date was in Arizona, where Wendy Rogers, who is challenging Democratic Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, “is using part of an ISIS execution video in a new political advertisement to attack her opponent’s national security record. The ad begins with a clip featuring a member of the Islamic State holding a knife as he stands over American journalist James Foley kneeling in the desert sun, moments before he is beheaded.”
We are to believe that somehow if she were elected, this would not have happened. This from the cabal that is pro-enhanced interrogation techniques that experts say only give terrorists more ammo with which to recruit new members.
Rogers’ ad runs:
“Terrorist threats are growing. Are we secure? Are we protected?” says an announcer as other images of the Islamic State group are shown. “Keeping us safe and secure is Congress’ job. Kyrsten Sinema hasn’t done her job. … She’s allowed her liberal agenda to get in the way of our safety.”
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee did a round up of the latest busts of the inaccurate fear-mongering:
The ads from the national repugican congressional coven have been called misleading,” “significant distortions,” “misleading to the point of being false,” a “stretch,” The repugican “spin,” and attempts “to take advantage of global volatility and the understandable fear surrounding it for [repugican] electoral purposes.” And now, their nationally touted candidates are taking it one step further by using footage of the tragic beheading of journalist James Foley.
This is the equivalent of the Romney glee over Benghazi, as repugicans rub their hands together in pleasure at the thought of a beheading of an American just because they can use it to distract voters from their failed records.
Let’s see. According to repugicans, whose rash, scatter-shot budget cuts are responsible for a lack of security around the world and at home, only they can keep you safe from an event like 911, which happened on their watch. Of course, we wouldn’t have been in Iraq to create ISIL in the power vacuum we left behind after the shrub signed SOFA agreement to leave had the shrub and the repugican cabal not lied to the public about Weapons of Mass Destruction.
But don’t think, patriots, just FEEL THE FEAR and vote Republican!
And remember, it’s patriotic in repugicanese to politicize every tragedy that comes down the pike, including a virus that is killing people. Wingnuts have now renamed Ebola “Obola”, as if it’s Obama’s fault.  It’s as if the whole Anthrax thing never happened under the shrub, when we were told it was unpatriotic to blame anyone for the danger we found ourselves in — but don’t open any envelopes from someone you don’t know. Never mind that the shrub White House said the Antrhax came from inside the country and thus was more under their purview than a virus making its way around the world is under Obama’s, but wave that flag or else get Dixie Chicked.
The repugicans have managed to convince themselves that it will be harder for terrorists to infiltrate a country divided and a government in chaos due to massive, unplanned budget cuts. Let us not forget that as a special bonus, they go out of their way to inflame said terrorists and then run screaming in the other direction while pointing their fingers at Obama when it works.

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