Sunday, October 19, 2014

The repugicans Ignore Family’s Pleas Refuse To Take Down Ad That Politicizes James Foley’s Death

john-foleyThe family of slain journalist James Foley called for a wingnut cabal’s ads that feature their son’s beheading deplorable and have asked that the ads be taken down. The group ignored the grieving family’s request.
The wingnut cabal Secure America Now is running an ad in competitive Senate races around the country that features Foley’s beheading by his ISIS captors.
James Foley’s father said, “I think it is deplorable, and I think it should be taken down.” Foley’s mother said, “It makes me very sad that people would use the brutality of our son’s death for their own political purposes.”
The president of Secure America Now, Allen Roth admitted that the cabal didn’t contact the Foley family before making the ad public, and said, “The image has appeared around the world millions of times…We meant no harm, we just took an image that is in the public domain and used it.” Secure America Now refuses to apologize, and claimed that the ad is not controversial.
The ad goes beyond controversial. Is is disrespectful to James Foley. The ad is disrespectful to the family and friends of James Foley. It is also promoting the propaganda of Foley’s ISIS killers. Secure America Now has John Bolton, and Mike Huckabee on its board.
It is a piece of advertising that will only the repugicans that it is trying to help. There is nothing but disrespect behind that ad, and the fact that wingnuts are ignoring the pleas of the grieving family will almost certainly backfire on the repugican candidates that they claim to be helping.
Any repugican Senate candidate that does not immediate condemn the ad deserves to lose. Since wingnuts refuse to listen to the Foley family, voters will have to reject their crass politics at the ballot box on Election Day.

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