Saturday, October 4, 2014

This wingnut Blames President Obama For His Own Potential Assassination

While writing about the problems at the Secret Service, the absurd conclusion was drawn that if President Obama gets assassinated it will be his own fault.
Discredited wingnut Ronald Kessler discussed the problems at the Secret Service in a column for Politico magazine, and somehow came to the conclusion that Obama would be to blame for his own assassination,
Despite the obvious danger to himself and his own family, President Obama refuses to replace Pierson. The truth is that no internal reviews or congressional hearings will change the Secret Service’s broken management culture. It needs better leadership. As in any organization, only a CEO who comes from the outside can make the necessary changes. That’s a major reason why Robert S. Mueller III, a veteran prosecutor and former Justice Department official who became director of the FBI, was able to change the direction and culture of the bureau after 9/11, orienting it toward preventing future attacks.
Agents tell me it’s a miracle an assassination has not already occurred. Sadly, given Obama’s colossal lack of management judgment, that calamity may be the only catalyst that will reform the Secret Service.
Kessler’s column is proof that wingnuts will blame Obama for anything, including his own death. This was a horrible and shallow attempt to turn a serious problem into a partisan issue. The protection of the president, no matter what party he/she is from, should be beyond partisan politics.
The wingnut theory is that Obama is such a terrible leader and manager that he is going to get himself killed, but a management culture like the Secret Service’s does not happen overnight. It doesn’t happen over the course of a single presidency. It takes years and in some cases decades to surface. Congress is responsible for both funding and oversight of the Secret Service. While House repugicans have been chasing bogus Benghazi and IRS investigations, no one was doing the real job of oversight.
It is a joke that Kessler believes that Obama could just “fix” the Secret Service. The president does not have unlimited power, but ignoring reality and their responsibility for the outcomes of their bad decisions is the repugican way.

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