Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Ways Angry Customers Have Gotten Back at Big Banks

Scott Olson/Getty Images Warren Nyerges vs. Bank of America  
This one you may remember.
In 2009, Warren Nyerges and his wife Maureen Collier, purchased a home in Florida for $165,000 with cash. They never had a mortgage, but that didn’t stop Bank of America from trying to foreclose on them just a year later. After the matter was looked into, the bank backed off, but not before Nyerges and his wife accrued more than $2,500 in legal fees.
When Bank of America didn’t respond to Nyerges’ request, they took it to court. After being continuously ignored, the couple, along with their attorney, took the matter to a local sheriff’s office. He told deputies to remove the bank’s assets and hand them over, including cash and furniture to pay the bank’s debt to him. The branch manager eventually cut a check for $5,772.88 to get Nyerges out of there.
It gives a whole new meaning to the term ‘reverse mortgage.’

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