Monday, October 13, 2014

Wingnut Legal Agitator Files Paperwork to Deport President Obama

After reading this story, I really tried to avoid the urge to vent out against this stupidity. But then I made the mistake of reading it twice - and I just had to say a few words.
While I know "birthers" still exist, and always will (after all, there are still people who think we faked the mood landing), it really does amaze me how many of them there still are. While this ridiculous movement has clearly died down from its peak around 2009/2010, there still remain a decent chunk of conservative Americans who don't believe President Obama is actually an American.
Well, right-wing legal activist Larry Klayman has taken this nonsense a step further by filing paperwork with Immigration and Customs Enforcement to get President Obama deported.
Klayman said:
    "No, Obama is not incompetent or ill prepared, as politically correct commentators shade it. The African-American "Muslim in Chief" knows exactly what he is doing, and it is done at the expense of the rest of us. As set forth in a deportation petition I filed just today, it's time that he be deported back to his native country and for him to leave us alone. He has no legitimacy to be president, and he must be tried, convicted and removed from our shores before he destroys everything the Founding Fathers bequeathed to us."

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