Tuesday, November 11, 2014

20 repugican/teabagger delusions that Liberals keep alive

by Kimberley Johnson
Greg Proops, Gilded balloon
Democrats – both politicians and liberal news media – are spending entirely too much time on the defensive. Whether it’s politicians, pundits or everyday people having a conversation, the same old repugican/teabagger delusionss come up day after day after day. The lies have been debunked. The repugican/teabaggers DON’T CARE, they will just keep screaming BENGHAZI in an effort to CONTROL the conversation. Democrats are falling right into their trap.
LIBERALS: NO MORE DEFENSE. Time for offensive moves. NOW!
Here are some common arguments that Democrats spend too much time debunking instead of turning the repugican/teabagger delusions back on to them.
The next time, somebody brings up one of these topics, here is what you say:
No, birth control is not a way to terminate a pregnancy. (It prevents pregnancy.) NEXT!
No, this country was not founded on christian principles. NEXT!
No, Michelle Obama is not dictating your meal plans – you can still eat your Walmart fake cheese. NEXT!
No, the gender wage gap is not a myth. NEXT!
No, it is not a woman’s fault if she was raped. NEXT!
No, poor people aren’t lazy. NEXT!
No, women who enjoy sex are not sluts. NEXT!
No, the government is not coming for your guns. NEXT!
No, the shoe thrown at Hillary Clinton was not staged. NEXT!
No, rich people are not job creators. NEXT!
Yes, women will still get abortions if they are not legal or safe. NEXT!
Yes, we are better off economically when Democrats are in charge. NEXT!
Yes, poor people need assistance so they can survive.  NEXT!
Yes, black and brown people are victims of racism.  NEXT!
Yes, women are discriminated against in the workplace. NEXT!
Yes, science is fact and it doesn’t care about your “opinions.” NEXT!
Yes, trickle down economics was a failure. NEXT!
Yes, Republicans ARE to blame for the cost of the government shutdown. NEXT!
Yes, the Tea Party is advocating slavery by singing the praises of confederates and waving the confederate flag. NEXT!
Yes, teabaggers are treating President Obama with disrespect because he is black. NEXT!
As long as we allow repugican/teabaggers to control the conversation, we give them power.

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