Saturday, November 8, 2014

Bernie Sanders Busts Boehner and Terrifies repugicans By Exposing Who Really Poisoned The Well

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) busted John Boehner’s threats against Obama and did something that repugicans don’t want to hear. Sen. Sanders explained how repugicans have poisoned the well against the American people.
BLITZER: Let me just ask you, I want to get your quick reaction to what we heard from  John Boehner. He was very blunt. He said if the president goes ahead and, through executive action, unilaterally, without going through Congress, tries to change the status of illegal immigrants here in the United States, that will be very dangerous, he’ll poison the well. And it’s as simple as that. He says the president better not even think about doing that. Your reaction?
SANDERS: Well, my reaction is the people of this country overwhelmingly want to see the minimum wage raised. Is the repugican cabal going to do what the American people want? The American people do not want more tax breaks to the wealthy and large corporations. Is the repugican cabal going to poison the well by going forward, at a time of massive wealth and income equality, giving more tax breaks to people who don’t need the tax breaks? Boehner is talking about a political attack on the president.
BLITZER: Will you support the president if he goes around Congress and takes that executive action to change the status of illegal immigrants?
SANDERS: Look, what I support is Congress and the president doing everything they can to address the serious problems facing the American people. Immigration is one of those issues. In the Senate, we passed a bipartisan bill. The House did nothing. Let’s do something together. That’s the preferable route. Most importantly, let’s not turn our backs on the middle class of this country and ignore the enormous economic problems they are facing. Let’s not simply work for the rich and big campaign contributors who control the United States Congress. If we can do that and respond to the needs and the pain of the American people, you know what, I think you’ll suddenly find that Congress is regarded more favorably than is currently the case.
Sen. Sanders hit on the one thing that Republicans are trying to cover up. The American people did not give the repugican cabal a mandate to do more to benefit the wealthy and corporations. Sanders called out the Congress for being controlled by the wealthy and corporations.
The repugicans are trying to sell their theft as the will of the people, but what the election results represent is victory for the Koch brothers and other billionaires. The big money billionaires have learned that they can fool people in red states by bashing the president that they have been conditioned to hate while telling them nothing about their actual plans for governing.
The message that the American people need to hear is that Boehner and McConnell aren’t working for them. The repugican controlled Congress is not going to act in their best interests. The new Congress will only be concerned with the wants and needs of their wealthy donors.
Boehner and McConnell can launch all of the political attacks that they want against President Obama, but they can’t hide the fact that their agenda is centered around harming the American people in order to benefit those who own them.

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