Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Did you know ...

That the restaurant industry is rife with racism
That the tech industry is rife with sexism
And will the repugican cabal sweep?  Maybe, maybe not:  why polls tend to under-count Democrats
And even if there is, here's why a repugican senate may be short-lived
And it's time to rethink the war on terror
And the big bank backlash begins
And don't ask the pentagon where the money goes
Here's the true history of blowback in one (really long) sentence
That public transportation can spread diseases -- just not Ebola
That the earth just had its warmest twelve months in recorded history
And can a collapse of global civilization be avoided?
And why Faux News viewers are the most mis-informed - it's science
Just how billionaires are  becoming their own political cabal
That the Sarah Palin's PAC spends most of its money on Sarah Palin
Just how much of your think pink breast cancer donation actually goes to research?
That the FBI and police jointly track "outside agitators"
And did austerity cause the Ebola crisis?
That Janet Yellen thinks income inequality is a danger that must be addressed
That both parties ignore the public
About wage theft, billionaires, and the rest of us
About touch screen voting machines flipping r to D, D to r, yes to no
That the rate of mass shootings has tripled since 2011
That White high school drop outs make more money than Black or Latino college graduates

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