Monday, November 10, 2014

Did you know ...

About the supreme court on the ACA: bad news for Obamacare or bad news for state-level republicans?
That black women face absurdly high rates of eviction
This teacher spends two days as a student - and learns a lot
And have we passed the tipping point of biological collapse?
That charter schools in Chicago did worse than public schools
That space tourism isn't worth dying for
That cops do 20,000 no-knock raids a year
That the vast majority of Americans have no idea how health insurance works
The BP oil spill leaves a bathtub ring the size of Rhode Island on the gulf floor
It's no wonder climate depression is real
About NYPD harrassment: living in a state of fear 
That U.S. Ebola deaths won't even come close to alcohol and tobacco deaths
And "first they came for our halo 2's, and I said nothing"
That the majority if Americans worry about hacking
That America needs a better class of racists
This convicted killer shouts in court to vote for repugican candidate
That pregnant Texans are being charged with crimes that don't exist
Just how can we stop cops from beating and killing?
That the worst state for women continues to be Mississippi
That child poverty in the U.S. highest in 20 years says study
About the science of why we put milk on our cereal
About the reality of reality TV:  worker exploitation
And get ready for cancer-detecting yoghurt

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