Saturday, November 1, 2014

How KFC Makes Their Fried Chicken

I have to say I was honestly surprised by an article at Sploid that explains how KFC makes fried chicken. First, I was surprised that so many people did not already know how fried chicken is made, and also by how many people were surprised by KFC’s technique. But then I remembered that I live down the street from Colonel Sander’s first restaurant (now a museum) and that I’ve made fried chicken all my life. I also worked at KFC for a short time, which I’m sure many folks have. But if it’s new to you, it’s worth telling you about.
The process is pretty much how your grandmother would make chicken (and you should have paid attention), with one big difference: the pressure frying. Grandma would love to be able to fully cook chicken pieces in ten minutes like KFC does, but the equipment to do it is large and expensive. Read the entire procedure at Sploid.

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