Thursday, November 20, 2014

Lush Dimbulb Is A Sociopathic Pathological Liar

Rush Limbaugh: Obama Is A Sociopathic Liar image Limbaugh Award cropped 422x600Lush Dimbulb lies about President Obama, yet again, calling him a sociopathic liar and a con man. Dimbulb’s insult stems from Obama saying that he hasn’t misled the United States in getting his healthcare plan Obamacare passed.
Obama has been asked by Faux News reporter Ed Henry:
“At your Burma townhall a couple of days ago, you tried to inspire young leaders by saying, ‘governments need to be held accountable, need to be responsive to the people.’ I wonder how you square that with your former adviser, Jonathan Gruber claiming you were not transparent about the health law because in his words the American people, the voters are stupid. Did you mislead Americans about the taxes, about keeping your plan in order to get the bill passed?”
Obama responds to Henry:
“No, I did not. I just heard about this. I get well-briefed before I come out here. The fact that some adviser who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion that I completely disagree with in terms of the voters, is no reflection on the actual process that was run.”

Lush Dimbulb is furious with President Obama, and the hate radio hack projects himself onto the President.. He shrirks, “This is unbelievable. This little sound bite of 23 seconds may be more jam-packed with lies than any 23-second presidential sound bite I’ve ever played for you.”
Dimbulb continues his assault on Obama, regarding Jonathan Gruber saying, “He was in meetings with Obama. Gruber has been bragging about them. Obama has talked about Gruber being in meetings. He was not just a member of the staff, he was paid $400,000 alone just for this. Gruber has made almost $6 million in government contracts, advising them on various things. Gruber has his hands in advising the regime on amnesty, illegal immigration, how to do it, when to do it, what to do it and all that. The guy’s deep, he’s a rock star with these people.”
President Obama continues in his answer to Faux News’ Henry.
Rush Limbaugh: Obama Is A Sociopathic Liar image 2287332094 c170aeddb1“We had a year-long debate, Ed. I mean, go back and look at your stories. The one thing we can’t say is that we did not have a lengthy debate about health care in the United States of America. Or that it was not adequately covered. I would just advise – every press outlet here, go back and pull up every clip, every story, and I think it will – it’s fair to say there was not a provision in the health care law that was not extensively debated and was fully transparent.”
Lush Dimbulb then blows a fuse, verbally attacking Obama and declaring him a liar. He says, “Now, seriously, what are we to do about this? This is sociopathic … there’s something terribly wrong here. I mean this is blatant lying.”
Dimbulb continues the verbal assault on President Obama saying, “There’s over 22,000 pages of regulations written after the bill was passed that have never been debated. The bill itself was never debated. There were never any committee hearings with experts. This is a blatant, once again in-our-face lie that is again indicative of how stupid he believes everybody is.”
Obama is then called a con man by Dimbulb when he says, “the key to the con is that it’s never over. You never let the person you conned know he’s been conned. Never. The con goes on. Well, that’s what’s happening here. They have run a giant con game on the population of this country of Obamacare, and they are continuing to run the con. They are not giving it up. Obama is now fully exposed as nothing more, in common parlance, as a lying con man.”
Lush Dimbulb is a sociopathic pathological liar and con man projecting himself on others.

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