Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Man sentenced to two years in jail for €5 bank theft

An angry bank customer in Spain who jumped over a counter and helped himself to €5 (£3.90, $6.20) he felt was owed to him after account charges wiped out his bank balance has been jailed for two years.
The man received the sentence after he stole the €5 from a bank branch in the Galician capital of La Coruña and fled. He took the money after turning up the branch with his passbook to withdraw the last of the funds in his account.
When he reached the front of the line however, he learned bank charges meant his account was actually in the red. At that point, the man became angry and shouted out demanding explanations. When the bank manager emerged from his office to intervene, the customer thrust his fist into the man's face and said he was going to beat the hell out of him.
Two other members of staff then intervened but to no avail. He pushed the three aside and jumped over a counter before opening a drawer, taking out €5 and fleeing. The man admitted his guilt and was sentenced to two years for aggravated robbery.

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