Saturday, November 8, 2014

McConnell claims he never supported Social Security privatization

And he is a liar
Mitch McConnell last Thursday, boasting about having worked with the shrub in a failed effort to create private Social Security accounts-and complaining that Democrats refused to help:
"After shrub stole the election again in 2004 he wanted us to try to fix Social Security," said McConnell. "I spent a year trying to get any Democrat in the Senate - even those most reasonable Democrat of all, Joe Lieberman - to help us."
When asked if he would try the same thing as Senate Majority Leader, McConnell refused to answer, but he was nonetheless proud of his effort. But now that the election is one week closer and he's faced with attacks about his support for Social Security privatization from his opponent Alison Lundergan Grimes and her Democratic allies, McConnell is denying the whole thing:
"That's just one of the many fictions the Grimes campaign has been spinning. Obviously, preserving and protecting Social Security is the most important thing any of us can do," said McConnell.
In just one week, McConnell has gone from bragging about his past efforts to privatize Social Security to pretending it never happened and claiming that his No. 1 priority is preserving and protecting Social Security.

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