Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Residents worried about deer with head stuck in plastic pumpkin

A plastic pumpkin stuck on a deer's head in Ohio, is preventing it from eating and drinking, residents say. Neighbors first spotted the pumpkin-headed deer on Wednesday after the sighting caused some confusion in Mentor, east of Cleveland.
"You can't really tell what it is and all of a sudden you're like, 'What was that?' " Linda Hansen said. Hansen at first "thought it was a real pumpkin that got stuck on its head." Turns out the pumpkin is plastic, apparently attached to the deer's head with black plastic straps.
The straps appear to be embedded in the deer's head, near its ears. The animal's entire mouth is enclosed in the plastic pumpkin. Patty O'Donnell said: "My son and I saw the deer when we came out for the bus on Wednesday morning," O'Donnell said. "It was on its hind legs and just trying to bat it off its face," O'Donnell said.

Residents are worried that the deer could starve to death because its unable to eat with the pumpkin on its head. Hansen and other neighbors say they've made several calls to authorities, but they've been unable to find anyone who can help. Mentor police confirmed they had sent officers out to try and catch the deer, but they were unsuccessful.

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