Saturday, November 8, 2014

Sarah Palin Puts McConnell On Notice And Places repugicans On The Path To Destruction

With an eye on a two year gravy train, Palin put the reougican cabal on notice; she'll be trolling them for the next two years. …
Sarah Palin
And now, for the country’s post blood bath amusement, former Vice-Presidential-candidate-half-term-governor-turned-reality-TV-wannabe Sarah Palin (r-AK) has taken this moment of theft for her cabal and made it all about her. With an eye on the blessing of a two year gravy train as the official repugican cabal troll, Palin put the repugican cabal on notice; she’ll be watching them. They better put up or shut up.
Palin lectured repugicans on governing, because in the scant two years that she served in Alaska, she became an expert on governing — in between dodging ethics violations. She threatened repugicans that wingnuts voted for dysfunction and lack of leadership when they voted for the very folks who were creating dysfunction and failing to lead (best keep an eye on McConnell and Boehner lest they quit midway through their terms). From her Facebook Bunker, the teabagger wussy issued her demands:
Now, new repugican congressional majority in the House and Senate, please realize that Americans were not necessarily voting against the cabal; they were voting for the continued dysfunction and corruption in D.C. We the people (she is NOT of the People) were saying, “keep it up” to the scandals, crony capitalism, and utter lack of leadership in Washington.
Please no corruption! If there is one thing Sarah Palin can’t stand, it’s corruption. That is why she had taxpayer funded state employees sending letters to the editor for “citizens” in her defense on work time. The Lord hates losers almost as much as he hates those who don’t know how to take what’s theirs, like an exiting governor who smartly sets up a new film subsidy that pays a lot of money for certain kinds of reality TV shows. Dog Bless America.
Palin warned the repugican cabal that if they don’t want to get “mauled”, they had best retreat! Yes, unlike the last time they held the Senate, they must fight for “limited government” like the socialization of oil company profits she did in Alaska. The people love their oil checks and it’s really only socialism if you attach a Democrat to it. When repugicans do it, it’s patriotic freedom. Also, dog loves oil!
If they don’t fight for this hazy “limited government” (she’d better hope they don’t cut funding to her “reality” TV shows), Palin is going to make sure the teabaggers hold their breath (insert a wincing McConnell swatting a gnat toward Boehner):
The nation got mauled today. To prohibit that from happening to the repugican cabal in 2016, it must learn the lesson from the last time repugicans held the Senate majority. This time they must retreat, and it’s our responsibility to throw temper tantrums. Will they fight for reform that aligns with reality or with the repugican delusion, and return to the big government cronyism and status quo favored by repugicans?
Guess who is going to not vote repugican if McConnell doesn’t immediately start doing some things up in the Senate? Oh, just Palin and her teabagger cult:
When the repugican cabal leadership returns to business as usual, then this majority will be short lived.
As the most hated moron in America, Sarah Palin feels very comfortable speaking for 'real' Americans.
But if there is one thing Sarah Palin loves more than socialism, it’s Barack Obama. Palin loves to copy Obama since the Secret Service won’t let her near him, so she warned McConnell et al that they didn’t build this. “This” is the “lunatic fringe wingnut grassroots” whom Palin holds in her pocketbook, and they expect results:
So, establishment types, remember that you didn’t build this! This majority that swept you into power tonight is thanks to the rank and file lunatic fringe wngnut grassroots. That’s who built it. And they expect results. They deserve the butt-fucking of all butt-fuckings for  what they have done to America.
For the next two years, Sarah Palin is going to be trolling repugicans from her Facebook and Youtube bunkers. So as Boehner tries to steer the Mad Hatters in the House and McConnell wrestles with the “Wacko Birds” in the Senate, Palin will be there egging the teabagger jihadists on. There will be no mercy. There will be no pragmatism. Palin needs attention and money, and now that repugicans have stolen power, the Palin teabagger Reign of Terror has begun. A fie upon you “establishment types!”
The teabagger queen brought you a prezzie for putting up with her for six long years. Sarah is trolling the repugican cabal for her sick mind. An insane Palin is going to make some bank off of the inevitable repugican failures and civil wars that she will do all in her power to incite and irritate until they implode. A girls gotta eat.
Democrats are out of power in Congress, so they can sit back and laugh as Palin eggs the repugicans into destroying their 2016 chances. Yes, 2016 is a different map, one that favors Democrats as 2014 favored repugicans. But Palin won’t care about that.
Every party has their dedicated trolls, and I’m guessing Sarah Palin is just getting warmed up to her shiny chance to be relevant again. It’s actually kind of sweet, because for the first time, she’ll be doing the country a solid as she finishes off what she started.

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