Monday, November 24, 2014

School board which proselytizes during meetings dares the FFRF to sue them ...

... The FFRF has obliged. 
After giving them multiple chances to stop breaking the law, the Chino Valley School District is being sued by the Freedom From Religion Foundation:
School board meetings open with a prayer, and often include bible readings and proselytizing by board members. Board President James Na injects christianity into many of his official statements, FFRF's legal complaint notes. At one typical meeting, Na "urged everyone who does not know jesus christ to go and find Him," and closed with a reading of Psalm 143.
Students often attend the meetings to receive awards, speak about issues affecting their schools, attend disciplinary hearings and do performances. Student attendance is mandatory in some instances, and a student representative is a member of the board.
Courts have consistently held that organized prayer in the public schools is unconstitutional, the complaint charges. Two federal appellate courts, the Third and Sixth Circuits, have specifically held school board prayer unconstitutional.

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