Monday, November 17, 2014

School children accused of snorting Smarties on campus suspended

At least three middle school children in Clovis, New Mexico, are accused of snorting Smarties on campus. The Clovis Municipal School District suspended the boys for 10 days. In a letter the district classifies Smarties as drugs and explains students can be suspended or even expelled by possessing them.
“I was in shock. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and I didn’t know anyone could do anything like that with a Smartie,” said Kelly Cook. Kelly Cook is Andrew Stonelake’s mother. Stonelake, 13, is a 7th grader at Marshall Middle School in Clovis. He’s one of the boy’s being punished for inhaling the candy, but Cook says her son’s side of the story is very different.
“He explained there was no inhaling or snorting of any kind. That they were crushing it up and blowing smoke out at each other. That they were horse playing,” said Cook. School officials have ordered the family to attend a fact-finding hearing next week. They even advised them they have the right to legal counsel. “I have no words to say about that,” said Cook.

“I am in so much shock that they would go to this extreme.” Cook says Andrew’s punishment is ridiculous. “There was no warning of any kind stating that they weren’t allowed to have these things,” said Cook. Andrew’s hearing is scheduled for November 19. At that time, the district will listen to Andrew’s side of the story then decide if he should be punished any further. The district says after the hearing it’ll take them five days to make a decision.

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