Wednesday, November 26, 2014

South Korea threatening sellers of unapproved selfie sticks with jail

The government in South Korea began making checks on sellers of selfie sticks on Friday, with retailers selling uncertified products facing a maximum fine of 30 million won (£17,250, $27,000) or even prison time of as long as three years.
The probe focuses on selfie sticks that use Bluetooth functionality to allow users to take photos more easily. Such models generally have a button near the grip of the stick that operates the camera on a connected smartphone.
The problem is, according to the science ministry, that these devices are classified as communications equipment and have to be tested and obtain certification about the level of electromagnetic radiation they emit before being commercially distributed. Electromagnetic radiation from communications equipment, which generally isn’t harmful to people, can interfere with surrounding electronic devices, according to the ministry.
The government has found recently that “a number of” uncertified Bluetooth-connected selfie sticks are being sold, requiring a “heavy crackdown,” the ministry said in a statement. The ministry also added a phone number towards the end of the statement for citizens to report uncertified selfie stick sellers.

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