Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Ten Unbelievable Things Kids Were Allowed to Do

Dutch teenager Laura Dekker unbelievably had the blessing of her parents to sail around the world alone at age 14, in an attempt to be listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the youngest person to do so. Her first attempt was thwarted by the Dutch government, which raised doubts about Dekker's mental state and the poor judgment of her parents. Eventually Dekker did sail her boat, called the Guppy, for 17 months, traveling 27,000 nautical miles in total.
Dekker wasn't the first teen to attempt the trip; others who did so encountered such obstacles as four-story waves, food poisoning, mechanical failures and extreme loneliness. In an effort to prevent other, younger teens from competing for the record, the Guinness Book and the World Sailing Speed Record Council have ceased to recognize the Youngest Solo Circumnavigator record.

Read more bizarre things kids were allowed to do here.

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