Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Meltdown Begins

boehner-faceThe repugican meltdown is off and running. John Boehner’s office responded to the news that President Obama will announce his executive actions on immigration by calling the president a lawless emperor.
Boehner spokesman Michael Steel responded to the news that Obama will make his immigration announcement in Dallas on Thursday night by saying, “If ‘Emperor Obama’ ignores the American people and announces an amnesty plan that he himself has said over and over again exceeds his Constitutional authority, he will cement his legacy of lawlessness and ruin the chances for Congressional action on this issue — and many others.”
Who do repugicans think they are kidding? Boehner and McConnell were never planning on cooperating with the president on anything. Mitch McConnell ran for reelection on the promise that if repugicans stole a Senate majority, he would break Obama and force him to do the repugican cabal’s bidding.
The whole idea that repugicans were ready cooperate, but Obama ruined it was a myth. The repugicans thought that by winning the midterm election; they could force the president to sign off on their agenda. They have been shocked by the fact that the president has moved to the left. Instead of giving repugicans everything that they wanted, the president and Democrats have geared up for a fight.
President Obama’s speech on Thursday night will be a mushroom cloud that swallows up the repugican cabal. The repugicans have tried for years to avoid the immigration issues, but the cabal is deeply divided and being government by an incredibly unpopular position on the issue.
Obama’s executive action, which is well within his constitutional powers, is already triggering an epic meltdown. The repugican camps that are calling for a government shutdown or impeachment are reaching an uncontrollable boiling point.
John Boehner sat on the Senate passed immigration reform bill and refused to allow a vote. The gridlock and obstruction chickens are coming home to roost, and the repugican cabal is going to collectively lose its mind Thursday night, (and the did).
Obama is still playing chess while congressional repugicans can’t get out their checkerboards.

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