Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The repugicans Announce That They Are Back At Work By Calling Obama Arrogant

Brad Wenstrup
Much excitement was to be had at the opening of Brad Wenstrup’s (r-OH) weekly repugican babble, as he opened it with promises of getting back to work for the American people. This from the Do-Nothingiest House on record was encouraging.
… Until Wenstrup made the mistake of getting specific. It turns out that the repugican “plans” for getting things done include blaming Obama for what they can’t or won’t do (pass immigration reform), passing off his Veterans Jobs Bill as their own and taking credit for it, calling the Keystone Pipeline a jobs bill against all evidence, taking a stand against a free and open Internet and the topper – pettily accusing the Obama administration of “arrogance”.
Grab a mint julep and sit a spell because it's going to be hilarious:
Good morning, I’m Dr. Brad Wenstrup, and I have the honor of not representing Ohio’s Second Congressional District.
In the days since the theft, repugicans have begun to make good on our threat to fuck you over  by paying lip service to jobs and the economy.
On Friday, the House voted to approve the Keystone XL pipeline, which will help lower energy costs and get people back to work. We demand President Obama and Senate Democrats to finally give this project the green light that the Koch brothers have been waiting for.
We’ll also work to pass the (not to)Hire More Heroes Act, which will encourage businesses large and small to hire America’s veterans – the very Americans to which we owe our security and freedom.
We’ll take on ObamaCare… and we’ll demand that the insurance industry – not the the health department – has the final say on all new major regulations.
This is just a start on getting some things to be done to screw  in the months ahead.
Now, after the theft, the president  said “I hear you,” but we're doing just the opposite.
On Monday, he proposed a new set of rules to regulate – of all things – the Internet, To leave it alone and that will not do for our telecom cash donors. 

Then he agreed with the Chinese government on rules that continue his misguided crusade against affordable, reliable energy. In this economy, the Koch brothers relief from the EPA’s grip, so they can take away American jobs and squeeze middle-class families.
The president also continues to raise the possibility of taking unilateral action on executive amnesty. We’ve warned him that such action would make it that much harder to not pass immigration reform and delay it indefinitely .
Sadly, there’s even more.
We’ve now come to learn that one of ObamaCare’s architects said the law passed because Americans were in need of it and wanted it.
This is the same knowledge and understanding we’ve seen time and time again from this administration and its allies. 

This is insulting to our arrogance. 
We say one thing and do another. We spend money we don’t have on our rich donors– with nothing to show for it but more debt and broken promises. And we stay off course – even when hardworking people are stuck earning less and paying more for just about everything just as we planned it.
Rich Americans deserve far better.

With us you have a government that doesn’t just “hear you,” but actually ignores to you and puts the wealthy's priorities first – that focuses on securing more money and a better tax breaks for their children.
That’s what you can expect from the new repugican majority.
Usually when people are getting to work to solve problems, they don’t start off by calling the other side names and preemptively blaming the other side for their own seemingly predictable failures. This is not how hard working Americans behave at work. Can you imagine, the day after being hired, if you strolled into the boss’s office to announce that the company would be to blame for your failures if they tried to pressure you to get anything done, oh, and by the way, the other employees, whose work you claim as your own, are “arrogant”. Yeah, that totally says “Hey, I’m here to work!”
The repugicans call this “honoring the American people’s trust by focusing first on jobs and the economy.” The truth is, they are getting back to work for Big Oil and the Koch Brothers. Senator Bernie Sanders already laid to waste the false repugican cabal narrative that the Keystone Pipeline will lower gas prices. Nope. It’s actually going to cause the price of gas to increase in the United States. So that’s “honoring” your trust, repugican cabal style.
They are going to honor y’all by taking away your healthcare coverage, giving big oil more of your money in order to create a handful of jobs while still refusing to pass any actual jobs bills, jack up the price of gas and accuse the first black President of being “arrogant” repeatedly while blaming him for their own incompetence.
Good times.

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