Monday, November 17, 2014

The repugicans Are Devastated As Poll Finds That Americans Love Their Obamacare

A new Gallup poll  contained some devastating news for repugicans who are hell-bent on repealing the ACA. The vast majority of Americans love their Obamacare.
barack-obama-thumbs-upThe Gallup poll found that the newly insured who bought coverage through the ACA were more satisfied with their health insurance than the overall insured population. Seventy-five percent of the newly insured were satisfied with the cost of their coverage compared to 61% of total insured population. Sixty-eight percent of the newly insured plan on renewing their current policy, 7% will get a different policy on the exchange, 15% will get a different policy from somewhere else, and 2% plan on having no health insurance.
The news that people like their Obamacare is a devastating blow to the repugican movement to repeal the law. The results of this poll are why repugican congressional leadership pays a lot of lip service to repealing the ACA, but have little interest in engaging in a fight with the White House to get rid of the law. Over time, the news will continue to get better for the law’s supporters. As people continue to sign up and see positive results, it is going to become increasingly difficult for repugicans to repeal the law.
A big challenge for Democrats and the White House is to get more people access to the ACA. There is still a disparity among states who have taken full advantage of the law, and those that haven’t. The future fight will be centered around getting Medicaid expanded and more state exchanges setup. The repugican mis-led states that aren’t participating fully deny millions of their citizens a better life.
Americans love their Obamacare, and there will be hell to pay if repugicans follow through on their threats to take health care away from millions.

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