Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Traditionalist American Knights Of The KKK Want to Kill The Group Anonymous

Photo Courtesy of Anonymous
As the tension builds with the people of Ferguson, Missouri waiting to hear the decision of the Grand Jury, there is a new threat in the never-ending story of the white cop killing a young unarmed black man…the TAK KKK (Traditionalist American Knights) wants to kill Anonymous. Why? Because of good old journalism:
On November 20, Anonymous posted a video exposing the fact that some members of the Ferguson P.D. are members of the TAK KKK, an organization Anonymous calls domestic terrorists. As Anonymous was exposing their names, a statement from Imperial Wizard Frank Ancona was made. It reads:
The KKK has been bringing a message of hope and deliverance to a white, christian America now for a number of years, we preach a message of love, not hate.
I regard the Klan, the Anglo-Saxon clubs and White American societies, as far as the Negro is concerned, as better friends of the race than all other groups of hypocritical whites put together. Why the group of wannabe hackers are targeting us is not clear, however we do not have time to ask these questions when we are constantly under attack.
A few names have been obtained by us already, including that of a supposedly high ranking anonymous member Commander X, aka Christopher Doyon, aka The Grand Wizard Of Anonymous. Another name we have been given is that of one Robert Allen Mitchell who goes by @TrezSec. Robert has been brought to our attention by a few of our members for prick waving. This is just the tip of the iceberg. You pathetic n*****r lovers are going down, we’re NOT HIDING. WE’RE NOT ASHAMED OF WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE REPRESENT. THE INVISIBLE EMPIRE CANNOT AND WILL NOT BE OVERTHROWN<.
We held a Klan wide meeting today with the Imperial Wizard, who has decided if you want war, we will give you war, not online, but on the streets, we will hunt you down and tear those masks from your face. You’ll be strung up next to the chimps. On display for the whole world to see. The Klan is to be feared, not threatened. Turn away, or face the consequences.
We would like to wish Officer Darren Wilson and his family all the best in the future. To Anonymous and the people of Ferguson, we will see you on the streets.
So now, the TAK KKK with possibly the help of some of Ferguson’s Finest may go after the Anonymous after the grand jury’s statement has been read. As Ancona said: You’ll be strung up next to the chimps. On display for the whole world to see.
According to Missouri penal code 574
Making a terrorist threat, penalty.
574.115. 1. A person commits the crime of making a terrorist threat if such person communicates a threat to cause an incident or condition involving danger to life, communicates a knowingly false report of an incident or condition involving danger to life, or knowingly causes a false belief or fear that an incident has occurred or that a condition exists involving danger to life:
(1) With the purpose of frightening ten or more people;
(2) With the purpose of causing the evacuation, quarantine or closure of any portion of a building, inhabitable structure, place of assembly or facility of transportation; or
(3) With reckless disregard of the risk of causing the evacuation, quarantine or closure of any portion of a building, inhabitable structure, place of assembly or facility of transportation; or
(4) With criminal negligence with regard to the risk of causing the evacuation, quarantine or closure of any portion of a building, inhabitable structure, place of assembly or facility of transportation.
2. Making a terrorist threat is a class C felony unless committed under subdivision (3) of subsection 1 of this section in which case it is a class D felony or unless committed under subdivision (4) of subsection 1 of this section in which case it is a class A misdemeanor.
3. For the purpose of this section, “threat” includes an express or implied threat.
4. A person who acts in good faith with the purpose to prevent harm does not commit a crime pursuant to this section.
Ancona just committed a crime.

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