Thursday, November 27, 2014

Twenty Facts About Turkeys

On Thanksgiving, the odds are high that a turkey will be laid out on many of our dinner tables. How do you all feel about turkey? Is a roasted bird something you look forward to or something you avoid? Do you have any turkey-free Thanksgiving traditions? What dish do you most eagerly anticipate this year? Comment away.
But first, here are twenty facts about turkeys that you may not be aware of. One fact is, to female turkeys, size matters. Snood size, to be exact. The snood is the long, red protuberance hanging off of the turkey's beak in the picture above. A study in the Journal of Avian Biology reports that female turkeys prefer their male counterparts to have long snoods; snood length can also predict the winner of a competition between two males. I wonder if some poor guy turkeys suffer from snood insecurity? That's some insult to add to the injury of being eaten on T-day.

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