Thursday, November 6, 2014

When will the American people finally get fed up with the wingnut media-hyped lunatic fringe wingnut fear-mongering?

Have you had enough? Are you tired of being played? Have you figured out that the members of the major media are not your friends, and that they exist to mesmerize and manipulate so that you can serve their owners' ends? When was the last time a major news story made you feel better? How long did it last? Do the major media ever go 24/7 with something inspiring, or is it easier to suck you in by playing on your fears?Remember ISIL? It was just weeks ago that a bunch of vicious terrorists videotaped themselves cutting off the heads of a few captured humanitarian Britons and Americans, and suddenly people halfway around the globe were terrorized into thinking it could happen to them. The media hyped it and the Republicans slavered over what they saw as a political opportunity. Then suddenly a man traveling from Liberia became the first person in the United States to become symptomatic with the Ebola virus, and ISIL was forgotten. A pandemic was coming! Break out your HazMat suits! Once again, the media obsessed, the repugicans with despicable cynicism tried to play the political angle, and much of the public was dutifully terrified.
This is what the major media so often do: terrify and terrorize. That's what repugicans always try to do: prey on people's deepest fears. And never mind that no American who wasn't traveling to Iraq or Syria ever was in any danger from ISIL, and never mind that Ebola is so difficult to transmit that not even one person who flew on a transcontinental plane or even lived in a small apartment with the one man in the United States who subsequently died from it ever came down with it. The major media held people enthralled, the repugicans sought to blame it all on President Obama and the Democrats, and in neither case was the general public ever at any risk.
Are you sick of it yet? Do you enjoy living in fear? Are you going to continue to fall for the hype and the lies and forget all about this week's false terror as soon as next week's false terror appears? Haven't you yet figured out that the terror has a thousand faces, but almost always it is concocted and marketed and politicized and almost never is it more dangerous than things we take for granted as normal aspects of modern existence. Like driving in motor vehicles. Or eating. What kind of people try to cash in on such sick fear-mongering? Do you continue to watch them and listen to them, and in some cases even vote for them? Are you as foolish as they presume you to be?

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