Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Without Stupid People repugicans Would Go Extinct

However one defines or applies the word stupid, they can hardly think of the word without directly relating it to repugican supporters …
Stupid people
The word “stupid” has a broad range of applications, but it generally means a person lacks rudimentary intelligence or the ability to reason. It can also imply a congenital lack of capacity for reasoning, or a permanent state of daze or slow-mindedness. However one defines or applies the word stupid, they can hardly think of the word without directly relating it to repugican supporters; especially those who are not part of the wealthiest one-percent of income earners.
Over the past week while encouraging people to vote in the midterm elections, it became apparent that the level of stupidity inherent in people inclined to support repugicans is beyond comprehension. In fact, as an educator, it is frightening that so many people of voting age lack the fundamental reasoning ability of a second-grader and are even less-informed about basic facts than a kindergartner; exactly the type of voter repugicans depend on to steal elections. It really does not matter what issue or policy the typical repugican cabal voter either supports or opposes, they base their position on whatever absurdity their favorite repugican candidate espouses; regardless of reality.
One of the most bizarre ideas held by repugicans living in drought-stricken California is that the lack of rainfall responsible for, among other things, a non-existent snowpack in the mountains and dried-up wells is due to the Clean Water Act and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  As a reminder to morons, a drought is an extended period when a region receives consistently below average precipitation; or for repugican voters, there is no rain. Still, local repugicans like Koch-teabagger Jeff Denham have convinced ignoramuses that the reason it has not rained in California for the past three years is because the EPA regulates the amount of toxic chemicals the oil industry pours directly into the air and water.  Unbelievably, more repugican cabal voters are convinced that eliminating the EPA will bring back normal rainfall to the region and create millions of high-paying jobs to boot.
Another bizarre notion repugican voters embrace is that keeping the minimum wage at poverty levels, or eliminating it altogether, will put more money into working people’s pockets and eliminate poverty. What is stunning, is that those most in need of better wages believe repugican lies that the reason they are poor is not due to low wages, but because of “socialist” workplace regulations such as overtime pay, 40-hour work weeks, OSHA, and of course the dreaded minimum wage. This insanity accompanies a firm belief that cutting retirees’ Social Security and giving their retirement accounts to Wall Street will create millions of jobs as well as eliminate struggling senior citizens living off their Social Security pensions need for food stamps to survive. In fact, a fair number of repugican voters, including white seniors, are convinced that Democrats and President Obama are responsible for their poverty because they oppose privatizing Medicare; something repugicans convinced them is a Marxist plot to destroy America’s storied “free market capitalism.”
The so-called ‘values crowd’ are clearly stupefied into supporting repugicans’ economic policies in large part due to their belief that Democrats and President Obama are waging a war on marriage that only electing repugicans will remedy. They cannot, and will not, believe that marriage does not need protecting because no-one is attacking it, or that anyone in their right mind cares on way or another if a man and woman chooses to marry. The same evangelical crowd is convinced by repugicans that President Obama has robbed them of their religious rights and more than a few are preparing for the looming government assault on their cults. As an aside, the religious repugican supporters who missed eighth-grade biology class, or their Sunday School lesson covering the Genesis creation account, really need to comprehend that a zygote is not a living, breathing human being worthy of constitutional protections they are unwilling to extend the woman carrying the single-celled organism.
This list of insane beliefs repugicans promulgate to convince their base to vote against their own self-interests is exhaustive, and sadly no reason or facts will ever convince them their support for repugicans is the root cause of all their woes. There are millions of Americans struggling in poverty due to low wages, and yet they will go to the polls and vote for repugicans because they tell them that lower wages and giving the wealthy their pensions will magically increase their personal wealth and save America in the process.
No-one likes to admit that half of their country’s population is inherently stupid, much less ignorant, but at the rate repugican candidates garner votes based on sheer fantasy and lies, there is no other conclusion that makes any sense whatsoever. One thing is certain; if American voters were not so stupid, they would not knowingly vote against their own best interests. But repugicans know their base and that without stupid people they would be extinct as a viable political cabal and it is a sad commentary, but they are far from going extinct and it is all down to the level of stupidity permeating this sad ignorant nation.

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