Thursday, November 13, 2014

Woman says dead bat set her nature strip on fire

An electrocuted bat set alight the nature strip outside a woman’s home in Australia's Northern Territory - and it was only the actions of a quick-thinking neighbor that stopped the fire spreading to her house.
Brenda Johnston arrived at her Alawa home to find her usually green grass patch burnt to a crisp. The mystery was revealed when Ms Johnston looked up to see a bat had fried itself by touching two electricity lines in front of her home.
When one of the wings detached from the line, it appeared to drop a spark. Ms Johnston said her neighbor had heard a bang and came running out only to find the nature strip in flames. The quick-thinking neighbor hosed down the area.
The bat, which still remains by a claw and wing, caused the power to trip out for half an hour, Ms Johnston said. “I wish it had fallen down. I’m so paranoid it’s going to drop on my car on me and my kids while we’re walking. It’s just above my driveway.”

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