Sunday, November 16, 2014

Young swan saved from harm with toy cones as PCSOs have Hot Fuzz moment

A cygnet that had a snooze in the middle of a road in Bath on Thursday morning was saved from harm with the help of some toy cones.
It had been pursued by PCSOs, just like in the 2007 film Hot Fuzz, before the young swan decided to take a nap. It is thought the colored cones came from a nearby playgroup.

Another cygnet was discovered trapped in a nearby cemetery. PCSO Mike Symonds said it was not the first time he had dealt with swans so he and his colleague knew what to do. "We put blankets over their heads to pacify them and carried them to the canal," Mr Symonds said.
Fellow PCSO Ashley Bintcliffe said: "They were young birds but pretty big and strong. Luckily they stayed quite calm, although one tried to give me a good pecking and the other left Mike needing a change of trousers. They seemed happy enough to be back on water and soon paddled off. Hopefully they'll stay off the roads in future."

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