Tuesday, December 2, 2014

55-ton crane lifting boat toppled onto neighbor's house

A 55-ton crane lifting a boat in the Albany suburb of Auckland, New Zealand, toppled over and crashed into a house on Friday afternoon. It reportedly narrowly missed a young man sitting in his bedroom.
The boat's owner, Louise Cashmore, said that the crane was blown over by a gust of wind and crashed into a neighbor's home. She said three neighbors had to climb out of the window. Albany station officer Graeme Butter said the young man who survived the crash "was very lucky, he was in his bedroom and the crane came right through it."
Another neighbor reportedly pulled a woman out of the house shortly after the crash. She was described as being "hysterical" Ms Cashmore said she and her husband had wanted to move the boat to an area behind their house in Unsworth Heights. She said she "felt awful" about the large hole left in her neighbor's home.

"It crashed and I don't know where the boat went flying to but it's gone, "she said, adding: "Just as well I took the rabbit off the deck." The driver of the crane was taken to hospital with a minor leg injury. It's likely that the house is a write-off.
There's an overhead video of the house and crane here.

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