Saturday, December 20, 2014

Brothers Arguing on C-SPAN Interrupted by Call from Mom

This is so precious! On the left, representing the wingnuts, is Dallas Woodhouse. On the right, representing Liberals, is Brad Woodhouse. They're brothers: one is a political activist(Democrat) the other an agitator(repugican). Like brothers often do, they argue a lot. Specifically, they argue about politics. That's why they recently met on the C-SPAN program Washington Journal.
That show is a call-in program. People around the country can call a number and speak to the debaters on live television. Someone did call in: their mother. She's sick to death of their political bickering. Ms. Woodhouse wants them to knock it off when they visit her at xmas. She respects that they're both passionate about politics, "But I hope that they just kind of get this out of their system today on your program."

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