Monday, December 1, 2014

Culinary Delites

One Brave Soul Taste Tested 6 Gross Foods From A 1950s Cookbook
Nowadays people feel more free to try out their own variations on the traditional pot luck fare at gatherings, and yet with all the new and cutting edge food creations it doesn’t appear anybody is in a hurry to explore the dishes some of our ancestors used to eat at these same functions.

That’s why we’re thankful for the interwebs, where brave people are willing to risk their taste-buds just to show us how bad foodstuffs used to be.
Cracked’s Evan V. Symon prepared 6 Gross Foods From A 50's Cookbook, then he proceeded to eat up each and every one.
With timeless taste sensations like Fluffy Mackerel Pudding, Beer and Kraut Fudge Cake, and Super Supper Salad Loaf it's no wonder the culinary world has gone back to basics in a big way.
We can all be thankful that we don't have to eat strange, and often gelatin based, foods at family functions any more!

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