Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Dog missing for three and a half years reunited with family

The Martinez family from Omaha, Nebraska, don't know where Sarge the German short haired pointer has been for the last three and a half years. At the moment, they don't care.
"I remember him playing with the kids, I remember him laying on their beds with them. You know I remember the day we got him." Harvey Martinez is still shocked Sarge somehow, found his way back home."It's something, we never thought we'd ever thought possible.
"We never thought we'd ever see him again." Sarge took off from home one day when the family lived in Plattsmouth, years ago. Harvey says his family searched for eight months with fliers and Craiglist posts. Sarge never turned up.

"I never kept a dog afterwards because there's no dog that could ever replace him." It turns out, Harvey didn't have to. He recently saw a Facebook post from the Plattsmouth Animal Shelter about a stray dog. It was Sarge. "It's kind of like a giant Christmas present, for Christmas. It's still shocking to me," says Martinez.

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