Monday, December 1, 2014

Dyeing Your Armpit Hair Is the Next Big Thing in Beauty

2015 is going to be about two things, and two things only: Armpit hair and colorful dyes. Well, at least that's what's going to happen if Roxie Hunt, a Seattle stylist, has anything to say about it.
Hunt, who has always wanted to dye a customer's armpit hair, according to The Los Angeles Times, recently experimented with a willing participant, dyeing her armpit a bright and vibrant blue. She was excited and so was her client. Hunt wrote about the experience in a blog post that has over 30,000 shares and while the #dyedpits hashtag isn't tearing up Instagram yet (there are less than 30 posts), it's certainly something that more people are taking notice of.
Considering how subversive even having armpit hair can be seen for woman, actually dyeing it so that it's not just there, but clearly visible may be not just an act of beauty but a statement. Men have dyed their armpit hair before (I have seen it; it was orange) without fanfare besides an "oh my god that is so crazy oh my god" from friends, so why is it such a big deal when women do it?
Hunt doesn't think it should be and sees what she's doing as empowering:
"We laughed and marveled at the beauty of her blue pit hair," wrote Hunt in a blog post. "It was too good to be true. The color in her pits perfectly matched the color on her head. I felt a major win for body hair."
The L.A. Times has asked whether anyone would be interested in having their armpit hair dyed after reading the article, but the responses have been scant. Actually, there's only been one, from a user named "Big Jim Slade" who says he's not convinced. Are you?

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