Monday, December 1, 2014

Man Survives Being Struck By Three Cars On Busy Chinese Road

Getting hit by a car hurts- a lot. I was lucky enough to have been struck by cars that were only going about 15-25 miles an hour, but the Chinese man seen in this shocking footage takes lucky to a whole new level.
The man, identified only as Li, looks like a deer in the headlights as he stands in the middle of a busy road in Kunshan City, and then he's struck by not one but two motorists who clearly haven't found a use for their brake pedal.
The first car looks like it just grazes him, albeit at a very high speed, but the second car definitely does not miss its mark, and after a hit like that Li is mighty lucky to be alive.
This shocking video brings a couple of questions to mind-what was Li doing just standing in the middle of the road like that, and do these drivers need a refresher course in how to hit the brakes?

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