Monday, December 15, 2014

Obama Obliterates repugicans Bent On Destroying Obamcare By Getting Them To Fund The Law

President Obama rubbed salt in the repugican wounds by pointing out that the government funding bill that they passed funds Obamacare for another year.
The president said,
obama republicans funded obamacareLet me start by saying a few words about the bill that was passed last night to keep the government open and make sure that our agencies are funded until the fall of next year.
This, by definition, was a compromise bill. This is what’s produced when we have the divided government that the American people voted for. There are a bunch of provisions in this bill that I really do not like. On the other hand, there are provisions in this bill and the basic funding within this bill that allows us to make sure that we continue on the progress in providing health insurance to all Americans; make sure that we continue with our efforts to combat climate change; that we’re able to expand early childhood education that is making a meaningful difference in communities all across the country; that allows us to expand our manufacturing hubs that are contributing to the growth of jobs and the progress that we’ve seen in our economy over the last couple of years.
And so, over all, this legislation allows us to build on the economic progress and the national security progress that is important. Had I been able to draft my own legislation and get it passed without any Republican votes I suspect it would be slightly different. That is not the circumstance we find ourselves in. And I think what the American people very much are looking for is some practical governance and the willingness to compromise, and that’s what this really reflects. So I’m glad it passed the House and am hopeful that it will pass the Senate.
The repugicans didn’t only vote to keep the government funded through September 2015. They also voted to fund Obamacare. The same repugicans who have been telling the people who support them for years that their number one mission is to destroy the Affordable Care Act. These are the same repugicans who also vowed to stop the president’s immigration executive orders, and they didn’t do that either.
The media is obsessed with the “split” between Obama and Nancy Pelosi, but an even bigger story is that repugicans were forced to fund the very thing that they were handed the congressional majority in order to destroy. The bill is far from perfect, but as much as it irritates some liberals, it isn’t nearly as bad as what repugicans did to their own base. Obama scored at least one big win in the government funding bill. The ACA is funded for another year, and the president didn’t hesitate to rub salt in the repugican wound.

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